تخطى إلى المحتوى

الكلمات الانجليزية التى تسخدم فى المطاعم " 2024.

  • بواسطة

عند دخول المطعم
Excuse me.
Table for two.
I have a reservation.
يسألك الجارسون
Would you like smoking or nonsmoking?
Smoking or nonsmoking?
Do you have a reservation ?
It’ll be just a few minutes.
تطلب من الجارسون
Do you have a nonsmoking section?
I’d like the nonsmoking section.
تخبره أنك تنتظر شخص ما
We are waiting for someone else.
We are waiting for another couple.
يعتذر الجارسون لأنه تأخر
Sorry to keep you waiting.
يسألك الجارسون في البداية
Are you waiting for someone?
Would you like something to drink first?
Can I get you something to drink?
Are you ready to order?
يسألك الجارسون عن طريقة طبخ اللحم
How would you like your steak?
How would you like that?
I’d like my steak well-done
الاختصار well-done.
I’d like my steak medium.
I’d like my steak rare.
Can I get it well-done.
للتأكيد على أن يكون اللحم مطبوخ جيد
Please make sure it’s well done.
يسألك إن كنت تريد شوربة أو سلطة
Would you like soup or salad with that?
الاختصار Soup or salad
تسأله عن أنواع تتبيلة السلطة
What kind of dressing do you have?
Our dressings are Ranch, Italian ,Thousand Island , Greek.

عند طلبك قهوة أو شاي، ماء، كذلك الطعام
I’d like some coffee.
I’d like tea.
Just coffee for now.
Black coffee.
Can you get me a glass of water?
I’ll have some salad, roast beef, and mashed potatoes.
Would you like fries, bread, or rice with your meal?
Umm. I’ll take the rice?
Would you care for anything to drink?
Yeah. I’ll take a medium Sprite.
تحتاج بعض الوقت لتختار الطعام
We need a couple more minute to decide.
طلب قائمة الطعام
Could I see a menu, please?
لست جاهزا للطلب بعد
I’m not ready to order yet.
لم أقرر بعد
I haven’t decided yet.
تسأله عن الأكلة الخاصة بالمطعم
What is the special of the day?
Do you have any special?
ماذا تقترح أن نأكل
What would you suggest?
ما نوع شربة اليوم
What’s the soup of the day?
الشكوى من الأكل
I can’t eat this.
This meat isn’t fresh.
These vegetables are over*****d.
I didn’t order this.
This is cold. Can you take it back.
Could I speak with the manager, please.
أين غرفة الغسيل أو الحمام
Where is the washroom?
Where is the men’s room?
Where is the ladies’ room?
Where is the rest room?
طلبات خارجية
Do you have carryout?
Can I get that to go?
تفضل الطلب
There you go.
Enjoy your meal.
سآخذ المتبقي من الطعام معي
I’d like to take the rest.

الفاتورة لو سمحت
Could I have the bill?
Could I have the check?
Check, please.
Separate check please.
Can I have a receipt, please?
There seems to be a mistake.
We did not order this item.
Keep the change

الكلمات الانجليزية التى تسخدم فى المطاعم ن25

الحمد لله عنا المطاعم ما فيهم اجانب ن22

بطلب بلعربي

الكلمات الانجليزية التى تسخدم فى المطاعم -_-"


خليجية الكلمات الانجليزية التى تسخدم فى المطاعم -_-"

يسلمو الأيادى الخطيرة

موفقه بأذن الله



thank you.
very delicious topic

مشكورين ع المرور
لا عدمت اطلالتكم

دمتــ م .. بــ و ــد~

اترك تعليقاً

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